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Cerebral Palsy Care

Cerebral Palsy Care

At the Rainbow Children’s Hospital, we offer complete medical care for kids with cerebral palsy. Children with cerebral palsy have different needs that can be completed through multidisciplinary care. This way, pediatric specialists, including a pediatric neurologist, orthopedist, physiotherapist, speech therapists, occupational therapist, and developmental sciences specialist, work together to take special care of your child.

For the diagnosis of cerebral palsy or cerebral palsy treatment, the Rainbow Children’s Hospital offers the following services:
- Computerized Tomography (CT) scan - For identifying abnormalities
- Cranial Ultrasound - For the primary examination of the brain
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - For identifying lesions & abnormalities
- Electroencephalogram (EEG) - For children suffering seizures & epilepsy to determine if they have cerebral palsy

Once the diagnosis is completed and the doctor has confirmed the condition, the condition can be treated with the following services offered at Rainbow Children’s Hospital :
- Nerve or muscle injections
- Oral muscle relaxants
- Physical therapy
- Speech & language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Recreational therapy
- Orthopedic surgery
- Selective dorsal rhizotomy



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What is the cause of Cerebral Palsy?

The exact cause of Cerebral Palsy is still unknown. But, one thing that we do know is that out of all the children with cerebral palsy, 90% are born with it and the rest 10% are victims of medical malpractice and birth injuries. At birth, if the brain is compressed for too long and is deprived of oxygen, it can result in cerebral palsy.

There are different factors that come into play at different stages:

During Pregnancy
Biochemical genetic disorders
Damaged Placenta interfering with the growth of the fetus
Exposure to toxic substances like alcohol and nicotine
Malformations of the developing brain
Maternal diabetes, high blood pressure, or hyperthyroidism
Multiple births
Poor nutrition
Premature dilation resulting in premature delivery
During Labor
Abnormal positionings of the baby like a transverse lie or breech
Amniotic membrane rupture causing fetal infection
Premature delivery
During early childhood
Asphyxia due to accidents like drowning
Brain hemorrhages
Infections like meningitis
Head injury

Is cerebral palsy a genetic disorder?

No, cerebral palsy is not a genetic disorder. It is a disorder resulting from a brain injury that a child experiences at birth. And even though we are not sure about its cause, it is definitely not a disease that can be transmitted through DNA. It is like a laceration or a broken bone that cannot be passed along to your children. Contact Rainbow Children’s Hospital for cerebral palsy treatment in Delhi.

Is the life expectancy of a child with cerebral palsy less than a normal person?

Yes, the life expectancy of children with cerebral palsy is significantly less than that of a normal person. In some cases of severe cerebral palsy, infants can die within a few days. Statistics show that children who can’t sit up without any help before they turn 4 years will never be able to walk and will have a 40% chance of living after 20. Children who can sit up without any help before they turn 2 have a 95% chance of living after 20. Such children can have a normal life with some limitations.

What are the challenges faced by my child with cerebral palsy when they become an adult?

Even though medical science has advanced a lot, there are still some issues that your child might face. These issues can vary depending on the severity of the condition and how your child is reacting to the treatment. Here are some examples of issues faced by children with cerebral palsy will face when they become an adult:

Day-to-day challenges in school and workplace
Prone to degenerative arthritis and osteoarthritis
Pain in the ankles, knees, hips, and back
Premature aging

What are some of the best treatment options for my child with cerebral palsy?

This wide-spectrum disorder can have different symptoms for different children. While may some experience cognitive disorders along with spastic movements, some others might experience just spastic movements. One child might get complete control over bodily movements with no assistance while others might have none. Depending on their circumstances, one or the combination of the following treatments might be recommended: ? Antispasmodic medication

Medicinal-related surgery
Occupational therapy
Orthopedic surgery
Physical therapy
Selective dorsal rhizotomy
Splints, braces and other equipment for helping the children move

What are the different types of equipment that can help my child with cerebral palsy in moving around and communicating with others?

Today, we have a whole range of aids and equipment to help people with disabilities. For children with cerebral palsy, some of the following equipment can be recommended:

Electric door openers
Environment control systems
Grab sticks
Hey Guards and head sticks for computers
Specially made bicycles
Symbol boards
Utensils with large handles
Voice synthesizers

How are children with cerebral palsy classified?

The classification of children with cerebral palsy is done on the basis of affected limbs and the type of movement disorder:

Diplegia- All four limbs are affected. Legs are more affected than the arms.

Hemiplegia - Half of the body is affected. The arm is usually more affected than the leg.

Monoplegia - Just one limb is affected.

Quadriplegia - All four limbs are affected.

Triplegia - 3 limbs are affected, usually a leg and both arms.

What are the common symptoms of cerebral palsy?

The common symptoms of cerebral palsy in babies are:

Breathing issues where they need CPR, oxygen or a tube
Feeding issues where the baby needs a feeding tube and has a poor weight gain
High-pitched cry after the birth
Lack of energy
Muscle tightness like rigid legs and balled fists
Muscle weakness where they can’t support their neck or head and have a floppy appearance
Seizures that can be subtle (staring seizures) or obvious (notable convulsions)

The common symptoms of cerebral palsy in children are:

Contracted joints in legs, arms or trunk
Cross-eye (strabismus)
Difficulty in standing, sitting, and walking
Floppiness or muscle weakness
Inability to speak
Spasticity or muscle tightness

My child has cerebral palsy. What should I do?

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, it is a hard time for you. To ease your worry, you need a plan. You can start by making a note of the symptoms and signs. You need to monitor them to see if they are improving, worsening, or not changing. If your child is displaying any symptoms of developmental issues, consult the pediatrician immediately. Call the hospital or center for cerebral palsy immediately if your child has a medical emergency.

