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Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

At Rainbow Children's Hospital, we have Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation unit where we offer Physiotherapy, Speech & Language therapy, and occupational therapy. We are equipped with highly skilled and experienced physical therapists who are committed to providing high quality and latest physical therapy and rehabilitation services.

We also provide rehabilitation for babies with preterm birth, low birth weight, delayed birth cry, and the history of NICU stay. We enter all these babies in an early intervention program where their health is monitored until they reach all their milestones.

We offer treatment for the following conditions under our physiotherapy and rehabilitation wing :
- Seizure disorders
- Bell’s palsy
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Static encephalopathy
- Global developmental delay
- Muscular dystrophy
- Nerve injuries
- Balance disorders
- Gait disturbances
- Congenital deformities

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Leading Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Hospitals

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy can be termed as a treatment method used for healing, rehabilitation, prevention of injury, and holistic fitness promotion. Its primary focus is on addressing the underlying physical issues that might be a result of a disability or an injury. It helps people restore, maintain, and maximize their vigour and physical strength. Using evidence-based natural methods and proven techniques like exercises and massages, a physiotherapist can help in diagnosing the condition and creating a treatment plan. The field can be used for improving the physical well-being of a patient and restoring them to normalcy. A pediatric physiotherapist in Bangalore will help you know more about physiotherapy.

When do you need Physiotherapy?

People often turn to physiotherapy to look for relief from pain that has been bothering them for a long period of time. Not just growing kids, but even babies need physiotherapy. If needed, you can even search for baby physiotherapist in near me. The pain and discomfort restrict their mobility. This can be because of an injury, wrong posture, frozen shoulder, etc. Through physiotherapy, several people have found help in managing pain and improving mobility. They also have been able to lookout for warning signs and prevent any serious damage.

Here are the reasons why people turn to physiotherapy:

Prevention of injuries
Alleviating general pain
Recovering from knee or hip replacement
Facilitating the stretching and flexibility of muscles and joints
Improving body balance
Healing from a surgical procedure
Working on body posture
Managing a disease

With regular physiotherapy, people of all ages can find relief from different injuries, ailments and disorders. Through high-quality physiotherapy, a person can get back to their pre-pain fitness level and physical condition and live an active, healthy life.

What are some benefits of Physiotherapy?

The best benefits of physiotherapy are mentioned below:

Prevention from surgery - In some cases, surgery is unavoidable. But if your case is not that serious yet, physiotherapy can help you eliminate the need altogether. With a combination of therapies and exercises, the pain can be eliminated from the root and injured tissues can be healed. Over a period of time, you will regain smooth and painless mobility. If you have already had surgery, physiotherapy will help in recuperating and fast recovery.

Relief from pain - There can be a number of reasons for long lasting pain in your body. For example, chronic lower back pain due to sitting in the same position for long hours or ankle injury while playing. If this pain has disrupted your daily routine, it requires medical attention. Through regular sessions of physiotherapy, you can mitigate or even eliminate the pain. It also reduces painkillers dependency which is not only expensive but also harmful in the long run.

Improved balance and mobility - People who have had an injury or surgery need time to get back to their daily routine. Smooth mobility is a challenge for them and normal day-to-day tasks can become impossible. In such cases, physiotherapy is of the greatest help. It not only helps in improving coordination, but also gaining mobility to move around. Also, your body will be able to gain its lost muscle strength.

Less dependency on medicines - Painkillers can provide instant relief. But, they are fatal in the long run and can have irreversible damage on your liver and kidneys. Therefore, physiotherapy is the safest alternative for addressing long-term pain.

Managing issues caused by age - As people age, they start to develop complications related to age. For tackling these pains, people often turn to physiotherapy. In cases where physiotherapy gives no results, pain can be alleviated through surgery.

What is Rehabilitation?

It is a series of physical, mental, and cognitive exercises that help you get back and improve your abilities. People who lost these abilities as a side effect from surgery or a disease/injury can use rehabilitation for improving their daily life and functioning. It is important to know that physical therapy is just a part of the rehabilitation process.

The aim of the whole rehabilitation process is to help the patients get their abilities back and be independent. What is included in the rehabilitation depends on the person and their issues. Your healthcare provider must be aware of the causes, lost abilities, and severity of the problem. There are a lot of physiotherapy services in Bangalore which you can opt for. You may even search for physiotherapy treatment in Bangalore. For example, a person who just had a heart attack might try returning to exercising.

According to this, some of the following treatments can be included in the treatment plan:

  • Assisting devices to help the people function and move
  • Physical therapy
  • Mental health counseling
  • Cognitive rehabilitation therapy for improving skills like memory, thinking, planning, learning, and decision making
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Speech-language therapy for improving understanding, speaking, swallowing, reading, and writing
  • Recreational therapy where games, arts and crafts, animal assisted therapy and relaxation training is used for improving the emotional well-being
  • Occupational therapy to help you resume your daily activities

What can a physiotherapist do for me?

A physiotherapist carefully observes and examines the extent to which your body movement has restricted or reduced. After this, they implement a treatment program for improving the level of function and range of motion in your body. Through this, any pain can be managed and prevented. Physiotherapy can help you get lasting health and fitness. A physiotherapist also improves your awareness and education regarding your body.

How long will my physiotherapy appointment last?

The duration of your physiotherapy appointment depends on your conditions. Usually, the first few sessions will be an hour long. Follow-up sessions can take 30-45 minutes. The entire visit can be an hour long due to exercises and modalities. If you want a longer appointment, you can request it.

How long will the treatment take?

Depending on the initial assessment, the physiotherapist will be able to give you a timeline for your recovery.

How often will I have to come for the physiotherapy session?

It also depends on the type of injury you have had. Usually, patients have 1-3 physiotherapy sessions in a week. Again it depends on what is appropriate for your conditions and what are your goals.

Will I have to exercise daily?

The exercise and their duration will be selected personally for you to make sure that the gains made in treatment are maintained. If you don’t complete your daily exercise goals, you will have more follow-up treatments.

Will I have to change my daily routine at home?

Your daily routine will be determined by you and your conditions. Usually, the sustained postures and repetitive activities we do every day are the cause of your pain and aches. In such conditions, you would have to adjust to these factors so that you can heal. The physiotherapist will make recommendations considering your daily tasks for maximizing your healing process.

