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Sperm Donor Treatment

Sperm Donor Treatment

Sperm donation is used in conjunction with insemination and IVF treatment. Donor sperm can be used in Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and IVF treatments, with egg sharing and in IVF with donor egg treatment cycles. We have links with several donor sperm banks from where donor sperm can be procured.

The fertility specialists and doctors at BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals will put together a comprehensive plan to ensure a successful outcome. All our treatments are recommended individually depending on your clinical history and circumstances, done under the supervision of fertility experts and with the help of advanced and latest technology. Donor sperm is a suitable treatment option for couples with:

- Azoospermia – a complete absence of sperm
- Very low sperm count or poor quality sperm
- Who do not wish to undergo IVF (ICSI).
- Failure to obtain sperms by surgical retrieval methods in an ICSI cycle
- Male partner with serious genetic abnormality & want to avoid transmission to their child
- Repeated IVF failures attributed to sperm problems.

Key Highlights



Consultant Infertility
Kondapur, Banjara Hills, Financial District


Consultant - Infertility
Kondapur, Banjara Hills, Financial District


What is IMSI or Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection?

Dr. Preethi Reddy

Consultant - Infertility



The Benefits of Embryo Freezing

Dr Srujana B

Consultant - Infertility

Currency Nagar


How to know if you are a good candidate for Ovulation Induction?

Dr.Pallavi Chalasani

Consultant - Infertility




Dr. Preethi Reddy Article on Lifestyle Changes to Improve Fertility | BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow

Nt News


Dr. Ratna Duravasula Sr. Infertility Specialist



Leading Sperm Donor Treatment Hospitals

What is sperm donor treatment?

Couples are given the option of using donated sperm if the male cannot retrieve sperm naturally or through surgery. The woman is either inseminated using donor sperm (IUI) or the woman's eggs are fertilized during an IVF procedure.

Which is the best hospital for sperm donor treatment?

BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow Hospitals is one of the top fertility centers for sperm donor treatments, with a team of fertility doctors with extensive experience who make sure every donor treatment plan is has successful outcomes.One of the best fertility centers for sperm donor treatments is BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow Hospitals, which has a team of fertility experts with vast experience who ensure that every donor treatment plan is effective.

Why Choose BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals for sperm donor treatment?

A detailed plan will be created by fertility specialists and medical professionals at BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow Hospitals to guarantee high success with sperm donor treatments.

In Which centers BirthRight provides sperm donor treatment?

BirthRight Fertility by Rainbow Hospitals has multiple treatment facilities across India which provides sperm donor treatments including key cities like - Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Vizag, Vijayawada and many more coming up in the future.

