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Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

Many women who have had a caesarean section can safely have a vaginal delivery for their next baby, known as Vaginal Birth After a Caesarean (VBAC). However, the pros and cons of this decision will be discussed with you by your Obstetrician at BirthRight so that you can make an informed choice.

BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals is always supportive of your decision to give vaginal birth, even if you previously had a C-section or cesarean delivery before. It is indeed medically possible to have the option of vaginal birth after a prior C-section, although you need to consult with your physician. We have certified specialists and nurse-midwives with expertise in carrying out vaginal birth after cesarean or VBAC. Consulting a VBAC specialist near you can help you understand the whole process better and make an informed decision for yourself and your baby.

If you've previously delivered a child by c-section, you have two options :

- Elective repeat cesarean delivery.
- Trial of Labor After Cesarean (TOLAC), with the goal of a vaginal delivery.

BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals will provide you with information regarding both types of delivery, helping you decide. You can consult with your healthcare provider regarding the information we provide and choose whether or not you want VBAC at our hospital.

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Leading Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Hospitals

What is VBAC in obstetrics?

The term vaginal birth after cesarean section also known as VBAC is used to describe women who have a vaginal birth after having had a previous cesarean surgery. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals has some of the best obstetricians who specialise in vbac delivery. Their expertise enables them to educate women on ways they can have a vaginal birth after cesarean successfully.

How can I increase my chances of a VBAC?

To increase chances of a VBAC delivery, ensure that the doctor has a comprehensive understanding of your medical history, including any documentation of previous uterine surgeries, including cesarean sections. The probability of a successful VBAC may be determined by your medical professional. Consider having your baby in a setting that can manage an emergency C-section as well. Discussing the risks and benefits of VBAC throughout pregnancy, especially if certain risk factors arise can help. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals has an expert team of doctors who specialise in VBAC deliveries, handling high-risk pregnancies and pregnancy counselling.

What is a VBAC?

If you had a C-section before, you essentially have two options when it comes to birthing again. You may either choose to have a cesarean delivery scheduled again or you can opt to give vaginal birth next time. Giving birth vaginally after previously having C-section is called VBAC. You can talk to a VBAC specialist near you to get a better understanding of the whole process, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as, the risks and complications that may arise.

Is VBAC possible in India?

Yes, with the right guidance and treatment from expert obstetricians and gynecologists you can increase your chances of a vaginal birth after cesarean / VBAC delivery. A non-recurrent indication for a past caesarean section, one prior vaginal birth, and spontaneous labour are good predictors of successful VBAC, but multiple prior cesarean sections, maternal obesity, diabetes, and a short interdelivery period are negative predictors that can hinder the chances of a successful VBAC delivery.

Why Should I Consider a VBAC?

Having vaginal birth is considered to be a more natural way of giving birth. Generally, this means you will:

Have less pain
Recover more quickly
Be able to go back to your daily activities in less time

During a vaginal delivery, you will have more alert during birth. After delivery, you will be able to leave the hospital sooner. Also, there won't be any scarring on your uterus, which is caused by a cesarean. This is an important factor, particularly if you wish to have more children. With more C-sections, your options for delivery get reduced if you become pregnant again. A VBAC specialist near you will help you make the correct decision in this regard. They will guide you towards the safest option possible while keeping in mind your wants.

In Which centers Rainbow provides VBAC India?

BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals in the cities of Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Vizag, Vijayawada has some of the best VBAC delivery specialists who have many years of experience in successfully making vaginal birth after cesarean section possible.

What is the importance of the uterine incision done in my previous C-section?

After having a C-section, there is a scar on the uterus and the skin. Some scars have more chances of causing a rupture. The kind of cut determines the kind of scar.

A low transverse incision is a side-to-side cut that is made across the lower uterine region. This is the most common type of incision with the least chance of rupture.

A low vertical incision is an up-and-down cut that is made in the lower uterine region. This kind of incision has more risk of rupture as compared to low transverse incisions.

A high vertical or classical incision is an up-and-down cut that is made in the upper uterine region that is the riskiest to cause a rupture.

Do birth centers do VBAC?

Usually VBAC is not always possible at the time of pregnancy. So most birth centers may not have an emergency care unit to handle pregnancy complications. It is always best to consider having your baby in a setting that can manage an emergency C-section as well. Discussing the risks and benefits of VBAC throughout pregnancy, especially if certain risk factors arise can help. BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals in the cities of Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Vizag and Vijayawada have an expert team of doctors who specialise in VBAC deliveries and also a maternal intensive care unit for handling high-risk pregnancies in case the need arises.

What is a TOLAC?

Attempting to have a trial of labor after cesarean delivery is called a VBAC. The procedure results in natural birth if VBAC is successful. You will be needing another C-section if the process is not successful. A VBAC hospital near you will be the best place for you to have TOLAC. The hospital will be ready to handle any complications that may arise.

What are the advantages of a VBAC?

Following are the benefits of having a VBAC

Shorter recovery period
No need of abdominal surgery
Less blood loss
Lower infection risk

A lot of women wish to experience natural birth, and VBAC provides an option for exactly that. If you plan to have more children, you should know that there are certain health concerns associated with cesarean delivery. These concerns can include hysterectomy, bladder or bowel injury, and issues with the placenta in pregnancies in the future. VBAC can help avoid these health concerns. So, you might want to consider this if you are planning to have more children. Consult a VBAC specialist near you before making a decision. It would be beneficial to disclose any problems or complications that you may have faced in your last pregnancy.

How do I prepare?

If you are pregnant and you had C-section in your previous pregnancy, you should consult about VBAC at your initial prenatal visit itself. Have a discussion with your healthcare provider regarding your expectations and concerns. Provide your healthcare provider with your entire medical history, particularly records of previous cesarean delivery or any other uterine procedures. Your medical records will help determine the chances of VBAC being successful. You will need to discuss the benefits and risks of VBAC throughout pregnancy, particularly if specific risk factors come up.
If you choose to go for VBAC, you can improve your odds of having a positive experience by:

Learning more about VBAC and taking childbirth classes if needed
If possible, allow labor to start on its own. Having augmented or induced labor decreases the chances of successful VBAC

Stay flexible if C-section becomes necessary due to certain complications arising during pregnancy or labor. For instance, you might have to go for cesarean delivery if your baby is in an abnormal position, your labor fails to progress, or there's a problem with the umbilical cord or placenta.

What risks are associated with VBAC?

Some common risks associated with VBAC include blood loss, infection and other such complications. A serious but rare risk with VBAC is the rupture of the scar of C-section on the uterus. While it is rare, if it happens it can harm the baby and the mother as well. VBAC shouldn’t be tried if there is a high risk of the uterus rupturing.

Am I a good candidate for VBAC?

You can go to a VBAC hospital near you to get more information on the procedure. You may have to undergo some tests ordered by a VBAC specialist near you to determine if you are a good candidate for VBAC. Following are the conditions that make you a good candidate for VBAC:

Your previous C-section incision was a low-transverse (horizontal) uterine incision instead of a vertical or classical incision in your upper uterus or T-shaped, which comes with a higher risk for uterine rupture.
You have a large enough pelvis for your baby to safely pass through. While this can't be known for sure, our practitioner may examine your pelvis for making an educated guess.
You haven't ever had any other uterine surgery like myomectomy for removing fibroids
You haven't ever had a uterine rupture
You don't have a medical condition or obstetric issues like large fibroid or placenta previa that would increase the risk during vaginal delivery

Some factors that may play a role in unsuccessful VBAC include:

Being an older mother
Having a high body mass index (BMI)
Having a baby with a high birth weight (more than 4,000 grams)
Having pregnancy go beyond 40 weeks of gestation
Having a short span between pregnancies (less than 18 months)

